1. (a) What are the types of forging methods, which are generally used? 2
(b) Explain the operations that are normally employed in forging. 7
(c) What are the allowances that are normally provided is forging? 7
(d) Explain extrusion principle and hot and cold extrusion processes. 7
2. (a) Explain in brief, how does cold rolling differ from hot rolling in terms of process and product ? 2
(b) Explain the Roll pass sequences for marking a 12 mm rod from 100x100 mm billet . 7
(c) Explain various rolling stand arrangements, with neat sketeches. 7
(d) What do you understand by the term 'roll piercing'? Explain with a simple sketch. 7
3. (a) What are various types of presses? Just give their names. 2
(b) Determine the die and punch sizes for blanking a circular disc of of 20 mm diameter from a C 20 steel sheet whose thickness is 1.5 mm. 7
The clearance to be provided is given by C = 0.0032 x t x (tou)Shear strength of annealed C 20 steel is 294 Mpa.
(c) A hole 100 mm diameter is to be punched is to be punched in a steel plate of 6 mm thick. The material is cold rolled C 40 steel for which the maximum shear strength can be taken as 550MPa, with normal clearance on the tools, cutting is complete at 40% penetration of the punch. Give suitable diameters for the punch and die, and shear angle on the punch in order to bring the work withinn the capacity of a 2000 kN press available in the shop. 7
(d) What is the six point location principle ? Explain it with the help of suitable sketches. 7
4. (a) Name the commonly used bond materials for grinding wheels. 2
(b) What is the marketing system followed in case of grinding wheels? Explain the individual elements. 7
(c) Explain the method of cutting geaars by milling. 7
(d) Explain the principle of gear hobbing. 7
5. (a) List the names of unconventional machining processes.2
(b) Explain principle of EDM, with neat sketch. 7
(c) Explain principle of ECM with neat sketch. 7
(d) What are advantages of tread rolling? 7