Date : 18-08-09
Max. Marks: 30 ... Min.Pass Marks : 10
Note: Question (4) contains 1 Part only & remaining Questions contain 2 parts. Attempt any question out of 4 Questions. Assume suitable data, if necessary
Q. 1 (a) Explain the need of unconventional machining.
(b) Calculate the blank diameter for a trapazoidal thread having pitch = 3mm & outside or major diameter - 24mm.
Q.2 (a) Calculae the blank diameter for a 60 degee V thread having pitch = 3mm & outside or major diameter - 12mm.
(b) Calculate the tengential force in the spining of a cone having blank thicknessn= 6mm, shear strength of the material =4.905x105 Kpa , feed =1mm/rev. semi-included cone angle of material = 30degree. assume the blank material to be idealy plastic, also calculate the capacity of the machine in kilowatt, if the peripheral speed of the mendral in 60 m/min.
Q.3 (a) It is required to spin formed a cone having cone angle 10degree 6 minute,& wall thickness = 1.25 mm. the operation in completed in two passes. the thickness after the first pass is 3.75mm, then calculate the cone angle achived after the first pass.
(b)Explain the rolling parameters , along with neat sketch.
Q.4 Explain the various types of rolling stands.
Explain the principle of tube drawing & wire drawing , along with their set-up.