B.E (Fifth Semester) Examination,
Nov.-Dec., 2007
(Mechanical Branch)
Maximum Marks : 80
Minimum Pass Marks : 28
Note :- Attempt (a) and two parts out of (b) , (c) and (d) of each question . Marks are iven in the margin.
1. (a) Differntiae hot and cold forging.
(b) Distinguish clearly between drot forging and press forging process with reference to the process with reference to the process and product obtained.
(c) What are basic rules followed for designing upset forging dies.
(d) Describe the methods of forward and backward extructions.
2. (a) Differentiate sheet, plate and strip.
(b) Explain the various types of rolling strand arrangement in rolling mill.
(c) Discuss the term 'draught' in rolling. What are the various types of defects in rolled products?
(d) Describe the method of tube rolling.
3. (a) Differentiate Punching and Banking.
(b) Describe the merhods of reducing shearing force in Press-working.
(c) Discuss the advantages of Jigs and fixures during machining. State the basic rules for location.
4. (a) Define the term grinding.
(b) What is the difference between wheel dressing and wheel trueing.
(c) Discuss the method of sreep feed grinding.
(d) Explain the principle and kinematic arrngement of cutting spur gear on gear hobbing machine.
5. (a) Write the machanics of material removal in the following unconventional machining process.
(b) Briefly explain the various process parameters that affect the EdM process.
(c) Describe the methods of manufacturing conical components by Power Spinning process.
(d) Discuss the method of calculating Blank diameter for manufacturing a particular type of thread by thread rolling method.