B.E (Fifth Semester) Examination,
Nov.-Dec., 2008
(Mechanical Branch)
Time allowed : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 80
Minimum Pass Marks : 28
Note :- Part (a) from each question is compulsary. Attempt any two parts from the remaining.
1.(a) Define the terms Authority & Responsibility ?
( Solve any two from (b), (c) & (d) )
(b) Comment on "Planning is an empty excercise without controlling" ?
(c) Briefly explain social responsibility of Manager ? And also describe the various ethical issues of management?
(d) What is meant by Performance Appraisal? Describe its various methods.
2. (a) Explain Recruitment & Selection ?
( Solve any two from (b), (c) & (d) )
(b) Give importance of training? Explain the methods adopted for training the employees?
(c) What do you mean by Motivation? Explain its need in an organisation.
(d) Explain Job enrichment and job enlargement.
3. (a) What is Quick ratio & operating ratio?
( Solve any two from (b), (c) & (d) )
(b) What do you mean by Sales Promotion? Describe any three tools of S.P. with examples .
(c) What is meant by Financial Statement Analysis ? Discuss its purpose and significance .
(d) An Alpha-Machines limited Company has been offered a chance to buy between machine A & machine B, for which the following data is given :
Particulars ................................. Machine A ...... Machine B
Annual output( in units).............. 10,000 .............. 10,000
Fixed costs................................ 30,000 .............. 16,000
Profit at above level ................. 30,000 ............... 24,000
The Market price of the product is espected to be Rs. 10/unit. Compute the break even point (B.E.P.)
of each machine.
4. (a) Define MIS and data processing.
( Solve any two from (b), (c) & (d) )
(b) Comment on 'role of information in decission making ' ?
(c) Explain DSS and expert system, with examples.
(d) Write short notes on any of the following:
• Evolution
• Effectiveness of Information System
• Integrated systems
5. (a) Define Strtegic & Technology Management ?
( Solve any two from (b), (c) & (d) )
(b) Write down the need, nature, scope of Strategy? Explain corporate strategy & strategic planning.
(c) Explain foundation of Flexible System? Give applications of flexibility?
(d) Explain value-chain approach for the purpose of dignosing a company's strengths and weakness.