B.E (Fifth Semester) Examination,
Apr.-May., 2008
(Mechanical Branch)
Time allowed : THREE Hours
Maximum Marks : 80
Minimum Pass Marks : 28
Note :- Attempt all five questions as per choice provided in each question. Part (a) is compulsary.
Choose any two among part.(b) (c)& (d).
1. (a) What is "Performance Appraisal " ?
(b) What is Authority? What is difference between Authority and Responsibility?
(c) What are the functions and responsibilities of a good manager?
(d) What do you understand by Ethics and management with reference to planning?
2. (a) Define "Grivances"?
(b) Define 'Motivation' and its type. What is the need for motivation?
(c) What are the differences between Recuitment & selection?
(d) Write short notes on :
Reward & Punishment
Job Enrichment & Enlargement
3. (a) Define "Marketing-Mix"?
(b) What do you understand by consumer market and buyer behaviour?
(c) Write short notes on:
Channel of distribution.
Break even analysis.
(d) Define "Book-keeping". What are the difference between 'Book-keeping' and 'Accounting'?
4. (a) What is "Decision making"?
(b) Define 'MIS'. What are the sub system of 'MIS'? Explain with a diagram.
(c) Defferentiate the 'Management Information System' and 'Data-Processing'?
(d) Explain integrated information system with neat sketch.
5. (a) What is 'Flexibility' in management?
(b) What is 'SWOT' analysis? Explain in brief with neat sketch.
(c) Write short notes on :
Corporate strategy
Strategic planningh
(d) What are the needs & characteristics of 'Technology Management '?